STARTING POINT: Real Men Don't Fall for Media Myths


This article originally appeared in Issue# 48

Imagine. You have a son. Or a grandson. He's growing up — fast— and becoming "a man." Who are his heroes? What is he striving for? And where did he learn it? This ground-breaking issue of Media&Values explores the meaning and image of masculinity on television, in the movies, in music and advertising. It examines the impact of male stereotypes on young people and raises questions about male dominance of new media technology — VCRs, computers and remote control devices.

Women in the media is a frequently discussed topic, but a look at male roles in the media is a unique contribution to the conversation. From the Marlboro Man to Calvin Klein, from thirtysomething to Three Men and a Baby, the roles, and the rules, are all undre review.

"...a rare and welcome resource for all men— and the women in their lives...provocative, lively and most of all, right on target!" — Michael Kimmel, contributing editor, Psychology Today