CML 2005 Resource Catalog

the PDF

To order from the print catalog or to read a review or see a sample lesson, note an item's 4-digit product number. Go to the online version and put the number in the keyword search window. Each product has its own page online. You can start a shopping cart anytime.

Now a Downloadable PDF

You asked for it: a PDF
version of CML's popular resource catalog! Called the "illustrated bibliography
of media literacy," the print version lets you see and compare all resources
on the same topic, whether video/DVD, classroom teaching tools or background
books. Organized in six main sections,
you can print out only the sections you need -- or the complete catalog.

Section Page
Teaching In a Media

Resources about media literacy and how to teach it; research; technology
and learning
3 -7
Social Studies

News, democracy, politics; original source documents
8 - 11

Media literacy curricula, film study, writing
Teaching Resources for Grade Levels

From pre-school to college -- curriculum kits, activity books, videos, and more
Students Making
Media/Video Production

Video production, publishing, photography
Popular Topics for
Media Literacy

Advertising, violence, health and body issues, gender; also religious and family resources!
  • Complete Table of Contents
    on page 2. Alphabetical index on page 38.
  • Print out our special
    1-page "Tips for Media Literacy Teachers" - page 37.

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Because your purchase helps
the nonprofit Center for Media Literacy cover the cost of our independent research,
of this website, of the time and effort it takes to provide this service to
you. Thank you for your support!

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