Guidelines for Quality Children's Television


This article originally appeared in Issue# 52-53

According to the Quality Statement of the Children's Broadcast Institute in Canada, quality programming for children:

  • Allows children to not merely be onlookers, but to be important participants or actors, if not main characters, and to play an active role (in the program).

  • Is designed to promote the intellect, emotions and creativity of children in a systematic fashion that helps them make strides in their personal development.

  • Respects the intelligence and critical judgment of children and their ability to reflect by avoiding oversimplification, stereotypes, propaganda and intellectual laziness.

  • Tries to meet the needs and expectations of different child age groups and uses pertinent studies in order to do so.

  • Provides a world view by paying attention to reality and yet still inspires the imagination and opens up worlds of the family, friends, school, street, city, society, earth and universe.