Dawn of a New Decade


This article originally appeared in Issue# 40-41

For some organizations. ten years is the end of an era. For Media&Values. its only the beginning.

We've seen a lot in our first decade. We witnessed the explosion of new media and technology that brought calculators and computers, cable and videocassettes into our everyday lives.

We watched the break up of Ma Bell and the consolidation of media companies into multinational conglomerates.

We experienced the power of world events "live via satellite." And the influence of MTV not only on music but especially in the lives of our young people.

And we've learned a lot — about how we use the media (for information, for companionship, for a sense of belonging') — and how the media uses us (to get us to buy, buy, buy).

But the more we've learned, the more questions are raised. Perhaps the most important learning of all is that when it comes to understanding the impact of media in our society, there are no easy answers

What may be more helpful is asking the right questions.

As we usher in our Second Decade we plan to keep questioning, confronting, reflecting and responding to the ever-changing media environment that surrounds and challenges us as individuals and as a society.

But by 1997, on our 20th Anniversary, we envision Media&Values as more than a magazine. We see it as the core of a national not-for-profit media organization that will also develop conferences and training programs, provide print and electronic resources for media education in homes, schools, community and religious organizations and raise a constituent voice for a process of awareness/ analysis/reflection/action on the media issues of our time.

We invite you to join us in making this vision a reality. Your insight as readers. your support as subscribers and donors. your commitment to create a media consciousness" in your family, your organization, your community — and yourself — will develop a climate in which Media&Values can flourish.

Morning has broken. It's going to be a great decade!