How to Obtain Copyright Permission for Articles in the CML Reading Room

You will find the following “Permission to Re-Use” box icon in the right hand sidebar on every article in the Reading Room:

For Permission to Re-Use or Duplicate

When you find the article -- or articles -- that you wish to re-use, click the box to find out if the article is available for re-use or not;

a) if permission is available, it will contain a link direct to the Copyright Clearance Center along with further instructions about completing your request.

b) if it is not available, there will be an explanation of what alternatives you have.

Each article that has been cleared for re-use is registered by title in the Copyright Clearance Center index. In most cases, permission will be returned by e-mail within 24 hours. To aggregate several requests for permission at one time, follow the prompts for “Multiple permissions.”

• Policies for reusing or duplicating articles in the CML Reading Room

Remember, the Copyright Clearance Center only administers the permission process. You may download your document(s) at any time from this website but to legally reprint or re-use them, you need to obtain written permission according to the following policies:

1. Personal use:
CML welcomes you to "browse" through the CML website. Like a bookstore, all of our materials are available for your perusal. However, if you wish to download our materials for your use -- like buying a book when you "leave" the bookstore, we ask that you pay for permission to use our copyrighted work. This is the only way we can continue to develop the materials you find on the CML website.

2. Classes and courses:
If you would like to re-use or duplicate articles or documents from the Reading Room for further distribution to others (whether electronic or print), you must receive permission from the Copyright Clearance Center. This category of uses includes the assigning of multiple students to download individual copies of articles, documents or sections of documents, to be discussed or referenced in a common face-to-face or online educational setting.

3. Schools and school districts, universities publishers and producers, training companies and professional educational service providers:
If you would like to re-use articles or documents from the Reading Room for further distribution to others (whether electronic or print), you must receive permission from the Copyright Clearance Center to make additional copies beyond the first download.